AD7711ARZ, 24-бит АЦП SOIC24The AD7711ARZ is a complete analog front end LC?MOS signal conditioning Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) with RTD excitation currents for low frequency measurement applications. The device accepts low level signals directly from a transducer and outputs a serial digital word. It employs a conversion technique to realize up to 24-bit of no missing codes performance. The input signal is applied to a proprietary programmable gain front end based around an analog modulator. The modulator output is processed by an on-chip digital filter. The first notch of this digital filter can be programmed via the on-chip control register, allowing adjustment of the filter cut-OFF and settling time. The part features one differential analog input and one single-ended analog input as well as a differential reference input. Normally, one of the input channels will be used as the main channel with the second channel used as an auxiliary input to periodically measure a second voltage., 2-channel programmable gain front end gains from 1 to 128, Ability to read/write calibration coefficients, RTD excitation current sources, Bidirectional microcontroller serial interface, Low power with power-down mode
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