ADS1255IDBT, Аналого-цифровой преобразователь, 24-Бит …The ADS1255IDBT is a 24-bit Analogue-to-digital Converter provides complete high-resolution measurement solutions for the most demanding applications. The converter is comprised of a 4th-order, delta-sigma modulator followed by a programmable digital filter. A flexible input multiplexer handles differential or single-ended signals and includes circuitry to verify the integrity of the external sensor connected to the inputs. The selectable input buffer greatly increases the input impedance and the low-noise programmable gain amplifier provides gains from 1 to 64 in binary steps. The programmable filter allows the user to optimize between resolution of up to 23-bit noise-free and data rate of up to 30kSPS. This low noise converter offers fast channel cycling for measuring multiplexed inputs and can also perform one-shot conversions that settle in just a single cycle. Communication is handled over an SPI-compatible serial interface that can operate with a 2-wire connection., All data rates and PGA settings, ±0.0010% Maximum nonlinearity, Fast channel cycling, One-shot conversions with single-cycle settling, Flexible input multiplexer with sensor detect, Chopper-stabilized input buffer, 27nV Input-referred noise, Self and system calibration for all PGA settings, 0.4mW In-standby mode, Green product and no Sb/Br
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