ADC0831CCN, 8-бит АЦП [PDIP-8]The ADC0831CCN/NOPB is a 8-bit successive-approximation Analogue-to-digital Converter with a serial I/O and configurable input multiplexers with up to 8 channels. The serial I/O is configured to comply with the TI MICROWIRE serial data exchange standard for easy interface to the COPS family of processors and can interface with standard shift registers or µPs. The 8?channel multiplexer is software configured for single?ended or differential inputs as well as channel assignment. The differential analogue voltage input allows increasing the common?mode rejection and offsetting the analogue zero input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analogue voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution., TI MICROWIRE compatible direct interface to COPS family processors, Easy interface to all microprocessors or operates «stand-alone», No zero or full?scale adjust required, Shunt regulator allows operation with high voltage supplies, Remote operation with serial digital data link, TTL/MOS Input/output compatible, Green product and no Sb/Br
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