LM385M3-2.5/NOPB, ИОН, микромощный, шунтирующий — …The LM385M3-2.5 is a 2.5V Micropower Voltage-reference Diode Operating over a 20µA to 20mA current range, feature exceptionally low dynamic impedance and good temperature stability. On-chip trimming is used to provide tight voltage tolerance. Since the LM-185-2.5 band-gap reference uses only transistors and resistors, low noise and good long term stability result. Careful design of the voltage reference diode has made exceptionally tolerant of capacitive loading, making it easy to use in almost any reference application. The wide dynamic operating range allows its use with widely varying supplies with excellent regulation. The extremely low power drain of the LM185-2.5 makes it useful for micropower circuitry. This voltage reference can be used to make portable meters, regulators or general purpose analogue circuitry with battery life approaching shelf life. Further, the wide operating current allows it to replace older references with a tighter tolerance., ±20mV Initial tolerance, 0.6R Dynamic impedance (A grade), Low temperature coefficient
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