ST1CC40DRThe ST1CC40DR is a monolithic step-down DC-to-DC Converter designed to operate as precise constant current source with an adjustable current capability up to 3A DC. The regulated output current is set connecting a sensing resistor to the feedback pin. The embedded synchronous rectification and the 100mV typical RSENSE voltage drop enhance the efficiency performance. The size of the overall application is minimized thanks to the high switching frequency and ceramic output capacitor compatibility. The device is fully protected against thermal overheating, overcurrent and output short-circuit. Inhibit mode minimizes the current consumption in standby., Synchronous rectification, Peak current-mode architecture, Embedded compensation network, Internal current limiting, Ceramic output capacitor compliant, Thermal shutdown, 6µA Standby current in inhibit mode, ±7% Output current accuracyМикросхемы / Драйверы и ключи / Драйверы, контроллеры LED, LCD, VFD Корпус: 8-SO, инфо: драйвер светодиодов 3 A, 850 kHz monolithic synchronous Vin= 3.5-18В
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