SEA05TRThe SEA05TR is a highly Integrated Controller for SMPS applications requiring a dual control loop to perform CV (constant voltage) and CC (constant current) regulation. The device integrates a voltage reference, two op-amps (with ORed open-drain outputs) and a low-side current sensing circuit. The voltage reference, along with one op-amp, is the core of the voltage control loop, the current sensing circuit and the other op-amp make up the current control loop. The external components needed to complete the two control loops are — a resistor divider that senses the output of the power supply and fixes the voltage regulation setpoint at the specified value, a sense resistor that feeds the current sensing circuit with a voltage proportional to the DC output current, this resistor determines the current regulation setpoint and must be adequately rated in terms of power dissipation, the frequency compensation components (R-C networks) for both loops., 200µA Low quiescent consumption, ±0.5% Voltage control loop accuracy, 50mV Current sense thresholdМикросхемы / Драйверы и ключи / Драйверы, контроллеры LED, LCD, VFD Корпус: SOT-23-6, инфо: Источник тока и напряжения Ucc=[3.5 — 36]В, Vref=2.5В, точность 0.5%, Icc=200 мкA
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