HV9961LG-GThe HV9961LG-G is an average current mode control LED Driver IC operating in a constant OFF-time mode. Unlike HV9910B, this control IC does not produce a peak-to-average error and therefore greatly improves accuracy, line and load regulation of the LED current without any need for loop compensation or high-side current sensing. The output LED current accuracy is ±3%. The IC is equipped with a current limit comparator for hiccup-mode output short circuit protection. The HV9961 can be powered from an 8 to 450V supply. A PWM dimming input is provided that accepts an external control TTL compatible signal. The output current can be programmed by an internal 275mV reference or controlled externally through a 0 to 1.5V dimming input. HV9961 is pin-to-pin compatible with HV9910B and it can be used as a drop-in replacement for many applications to improve the LED current accuracy and regulation., Fast average current control, Programmable constant OFF-time switching, Linear dimming input, PWM dimming input, Output short circuit protection with skip mode, Pin-compatible with the HV9910BМикросхемы / Драйверы и ключи / Драйверы, контроллеры LED, LCD, VFD Корпус: 8-SOIC, инфо: Драйвер LED, PWM
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