TPS61165DRVT, Повышающий преобразователь напряжения со …The TPS61165DRVT is a white high-brightness LED Driver with flexible one-wire digital and PWM brightness control. The boost converter runs at a 1.2MHz fixed switching frequency with 1.2A switch current limit, allowing the use of a high-brightness LED in general lighting. The default white LED current is set with the external sensor resistor Rset and the feedback voltage is regulated to 200mV. During the operation, the LED current can be controlled using the one-wire digital interface (EasyScale protocol) through the CTRL pin. Alternatively, a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) signal can be applied to the CTRL pin through which the duty cycle determines the feedback reference voltage. In either digital or PWM mode, the TPS61165 device does not burst the LED current, therefore, it does not generate audible noises on the output capacitor., Built-in soft-start, Up to 90% efficiency, 200mV Reference voltage with 2% accuracy, 400mA/channel LED current, Green product and no Sb/Br
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