TPS61040DBVR, Повышающий преобразователь напряжения со …The TPS61040DBVR is a 400mA Switch High Frequency Boost Converter dedicated for small to medium LCD bias supply and white LED backlight supplies. The device is ideal to generate output voltages up to 28V from a dual-cell NiMH/NiCd or a single-cell Li-ion battery. The part can also be used to generate standard 3.3 or 5 to 12V power conversions. The TPS61040 operates with a switching frequency up to 1MHz. This frequency allows the use of small external components using ceramic as well as tantalum output capacitors. This device has an internal 400mA switch current limit, offering lower output voltage ripple and allows the use of a smaller form factor inductor for lower power applications. The low quiescent current (typically 28µA) together with an optimized control scheme, allows device operation at very high efficiencies over the entire load current range., Adjustable output voltage range up to 28V, 400mA Internal switch current, 28µA Typical no-load quiescent current, 1µA Typical shutdown current, Internal soft start, Green product and no Sb/Br
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