TPS5450DDAThe TPS5450DDA is a 5A 500kHz Step-down Converter that integrates a low-resistance, high-side N-channel MOSFET. Included on the substrate with the listed features are a high-performance voltage error amplifier that provides tight voltage regulation accuracy under transient conditions, an under-voltage-lockout circuit to prevent start-up until the input voltage reaches 5.5V, an internally set slow-start circuit to limit inrush currents and a voltage feed-forward circuit to improve the transient response. Using the ENA pin, shutdown supply current is reduced to 18µA typically. Other features include an active-high enable, over-current limiting, over-voltage protection and thermal shutdown. To reduce design complexity and external component count, the TPS5450 feedback loop is internally compensated., Up to 5A continuous (6A peak) output current, High efficiency greater than 90% enabled by 110mR integrated MOSFET switch, Wide output voltage range (adjustable down to 1.22V with 1.5% initial accuracy), Internal compensation minimizes external parts count, 18µA Shutdown supply current, Improved line regulation and transient response by input voltage feed-forward, System protected by over-current limiting, overvoltage protection and thermal shutdown, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / Импульсные преобразователи Корпус: 8-SO PowerPad, инфо: IC REG BUCK ADJ 5A 8SOPWRPAD
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