NCP1200D100R2GThe NCP1200D100R2G is a current-mode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controller for low-power universal off-line supplies. It represents a major leap toward ultra-compact switchmode power supplies. Due to a novel concept, the circuit allows the implementation of a complete offline battery charger or a standby SMPS with few external components. With an internal structure operating at a fixed 100kHz, the controller drives low gate-charge switching devices like an IGBT or a MOSFET thus requiring a very small operating power. Due to current-mode control, the NCP1200 drastically simplifies the design of reliable and cheap offline converters with extremely low acoustic generation and inherent pulse-by-pulse control., No auxiliary winding operation, Internal output short-circuit protection, Extremely low no-load standby power, Current-mode with skip-cycle capability, Internal leading edge blanking, 250mA Peak current source/sink capability, Direct optocoupler connection, Built-in frequency jittering for lower EMI, Internal temperature shutdownМикросхемы / Микросхемы для бытовой аппаратуры / Микросхемы для источников питания Корпус: SO8, инфо: ШИМ-контроллер
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