LM5575MH/NOPBThe LM5575MH is a SIMPLE SWITCHER® 1.5A Wide Vin Step-down Regulator which allows design engineers to design and optimize a robust power supply using a minimum set of components. Operating with an input voltage range of 6 to 75V, the LM5575 delivers 1.5A of continuous output current with an integrated 330mR N-channel MOSFET. The regulator utilizes an Emulated Current Mode architecture which provides inherent line regulation, tight load transient response and ease of loop compensation without the usual limitation of low-duty cycles associated with current mode regulators. The operating frequency is adjustable from 50kHz to 500kHz to allow optimization of size and efficiency. To reduce EMI, a frequency synchronization pin allows multiple IC’s from this family to self-synchronize or to synchronize to an external clock. The LM5575 ensures robustness with cycle-by-cycle current limit, short-circuit protection, thermal shut-down and remote shut-down., Master or slave frequency synchronization, Adjustable soft-start, Emulated current mode control architecture, Wide bandwidth error amplifier, Built-in protection, 1.5% Feedback reference accuracyМикросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / Импульсные преобразователи Корпус: 16-HTSSOP, инфо: REG BUCK ADJ 1.5A 16HTSSOP
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