L4973D5.1The L4973D5.1 is a step-down monolithic power Switching Regulator delivering 3.5A at fixed voltage of 3.3 or 5.1V and using a simple external divider output adjustable voltage up to 50V. Realized in BCD mixed technology, the device uses an internal power D-MOS transistor (with a typical RDS(on) of 0.15R) to obtain very high efficiency and very fast switching times. Switching frequency up to 300kHz is achievable. A wide input voltage range between 8 to 55V and output voltages regulated from 3.3 to 40V cover the majority of the today applications. Features of this new generation of DC-to-DC converter includes pulse by pulse current limit, hiccup mode for output short-circuit protection, voltage feed-forward regulation, soft-start, input/output synchronization, protection against feedback loop disconnection, inhibit for zero current consumption and thermal shutdown., Inhibit for zero current consumption (100mA at VCC=24V), Input/output synchronization function, Protection against feedback disconnection, Output overvoltage protection, Internal current limiting (pulse by pulse and HICCUP mode), Zero load current operation (minimum 1mA), Precise 5.1V (1.5%) reference voltage externally availableМикросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / Импульсные преобразователи Корпус: 20-SO, инфо: 3.5A STEP DOWN SWITCHING REGULATOR
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