TPS62730DRYT, DC-DC преобразователь, 3МГц [SON-6]The TPS62730DRYT is a Step-down Converter with bypass mode for ultra low power wireless applications. The device is optimized to supply low-power wireless sub 1 and 2.4GHz RF transceivers and System-On-Chip (SoC) solutions. The TPS62730 reduces the current consumption drawn from the battery during TX and RX mode by a high efficient step-down voltage conversion. The device provides an output current of up to 100mA and allows the use of tiny and low-cost chip inductors and capacitors. With an input voltage range of 1.9 to 3.9V, the device supports Li-primary battery chemistries such as Li-SOCl2, Li-SO2, Li-MnO2 and also two cell alkaline batteries. It features an ultralow power bypass mode with typical 30nA current consumption to support sleep and low power modes of CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy and CC430 SoC solutions. In this bypass mode, the output capacitor of the DC-DC converter is connected through an integrated typical 2.1R bypass switch to the battery., Typical 30nA ultra low-power bypass mode, 25µA Typical DC-DC quiescent current, Internal feedback divider disconnect, Typical 2.1R bypass switch between VIN and VOUT, Automatic transition from DC-DC to bypass mode, Up to 95% DC-DC efficiency, Open-drain status output STAT, Output peak current up to 100mA, Fixed output voltages 1.9, 2.05, 2.1, 2.3V, 2.2µH and 2.2µF Small external output filter components, Optimized for low output ripple voltage, Green product and no Sb/Br
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