MAX766CSA+, Инвертирующий импульсный стабилизатор …The MAX766CSA+ is a high efficiency, low IQ DC to DC inverter in 8 pin NSOIC package. This inverting switching regulator is highly efficient over a wide range of load currents delivering up to 1.5W. A unique, current limited pulse frequency modulation (PFM) control scheme combines benefits of traditional PFM converters with benefits of PWM converters. Like PWM converters, the MAX766 is highly efficient at heavy loads and like PFM devices it has less than 120µA of supply current (2mA to 10mA for PWM device). The output voltage is preset at -15V and it can also be adjusted from -1V to -16V using two external resistors (dual mode). The MAX766 uses miniature external components and its high switching frequency of up to 300KHz allows for less than 5mm diameter surface mount magnetics. A standard 47µH inductor is ideal for most applications, so magnetic design is not necessary. It is used in LCD bias generators, LAN adapters, remote data acquisition systems and battery powered applications., Input voltage range from 3V to 16V, Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C, Internal power MOSFET reduces component count and saves space in low and medium power applications, Output current of 105mA and efficiency of 82%, Maximum shutdown current of 5µA at V+ = 10V, SHDN > 1.6V, Maximum operating VIN — VOUT differential is 20V
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