MC33167TG, Регулятор напряжения, 5А, Uвх=7.5-40В …The MC33167TG is a high-performance fixed frequency power Switching Regulator contains the primary functions required for DC-to-DC converters. This series was specifically designed to be incorporated in step-down and voltage-inverting configurations with a minimum number of external components and can also be used in step-up applications. This device consists of an internal temperature compensated reference, fixed frequency oscillator with on-chip timing components, latching pulse width modulator for single pulse metering, high gain error amplifier and a high current output switch. Protective features consist of cycle-by-cycle current limiting, undervoltage lockout and thermal shutdown. Also included is a low power standby mode that reduces power supply current to 36µA., Fixed frequency oscillator (72kHz) with on-chip timing, Provides 5.05V output without external resistor divider, Precision 2% reference, Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, Undervoltage lockout with hysteresis, Internal thermal shutdown, Output switch current in excess of 5A, 0 to 95% Output duty cycle
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