L5973D013TR, Импульсный понижающий регулятор напряжения [HSOP-8]The L5973D013TR is a step-down monolithic power Switching Regulator with a minimum switch current limit of 2.5A so it is able to deliver more than 2A DC current to the load depending on the application conditions. The output voltage can be set from 1.235 to 35V. The device uses an internal P-channel D-MOS transistor (with a typical Rdson of 250mR) as switching element to minimize the size of the external components. An internal oscillator fixes the switching frequency at 250kHz. Having a minimum input voltage of 4V only, it is particularly suitable for 5V bus. Pulse by pulse current limit with the internal frequency modulation offers an effective constant current short-circuit protection., Inhibit for zero current consumption, Internal current limiting, Protection against feedback disconnection, Synchronization, Thermal shutdown, Voltage feed-forward, Zero load current operation, Low dropout operation — 100% duty cycle
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