UC3845BD1R2GThe UC3845BD1R2G is a high-performance fixed frequency current-mode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controller specifically designed for off-line and DC to DC converter applications offering the designer a cost-effective solution with minimal external components. It features an oscillator, a temperature compensated reference, high gain error amplifier, current sensing comparator and a high current totem pole output ideally suited for driving a power MOSFET. Also included are protective features consisting of input and reference undervoltage lockouts each with hysteresis, cycle-by-cycle current limiting, a latch for single pulse metering and a flip-flop which blanks the output off every other oscillator cycle, allowing output deadtimes to be programmed from 50 to 70%., Trimmed oscillator for precise frequency control, Automatic feed forward compensation, Internally trimmed reference with undervoltage lockout, High current totem pole output, Undervoltage lockout with hysteresis, Low startup and operating currentМикросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / ШИМ (PWM) контроллеры Год: 2016, корпус: 8-SOIC N, инфо: Коммутационный контроллер
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