TL594CN, Импульсный регулятор напряжения [DIP-16]The TL594CN is a Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) Control Circuit designed primarily for power-supply control and this device offers the systems engineer the flexibility to tailor the power-supply control circuitry to a specific application. The DTC comparator has a fixed offset that provides approximately 5% dead time. The on-chip oscillator can be bypassed by terminating RT to the reference output and providing a saw-tooth input to CT or it can be used to drive the common circuitry in synchronous multiple-rail power supplies. The uncommitted output transistors provide either common-emitter or emitter-follower output capability. Each device provides for push-pull or single-ended output operation, with selection by means of the output-control function. The architecture of this device prohibits the possibility of either output being pulsed twice during push-pull operation. The under-voltage lockout control circuit locks the outputs OFF until the internal circuitry is operational., Complete PWM power-control circuitry, Uncommitted outputs for 200mA sink or source current, Output control selects single-ended or push-pull operation, Internal circuitry prohibits double pulse at either output, Variable dead time provides control over total range, Internal regulator provides a stable 5V reference supply trimmed to 1%, Circuit architecture allows easy synchronization, Under-voltage lockout for low-VCC conditions, Pb-free product
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