TLC556IDG4, Двухканальный КМОП таймерThe TLC556IDG4 is a monolithic Timing Circuit fabricated using the TI LinCMOS™ process, which provides full compatibility with CMOS, TTL and MOS logic and operates at frequencies up to 2MHz. Accurate time delays and oscillations are possible with smaller, less-expensive timing capacitors than the NE556 because of the high input impedance. Power consumption is low across the full range of power supply voltages. Like the NE556, the TLC556 has a trigger level approximately one-third of the supply voltage and a threshold level approximately two-thirds of the supply voltage. These levels can be altered by use of the control voltage terminal. When the trigger input falls below the trigger level, the flip-flop is set and the output goes high. If the trigger input is above the trigger level and the threshold input is above the threshold level, the flip-flop is reset and the output is low. The reset input can override all other inputs and can be used to initiate a new timing cycle., Very low power consumption, Capable of operation in astable mode, CMOS Output capable of swinging rail to rail, High output-current capability, Output fully compatible with CMOS, TTL and MOS, Low supply current reduces spikes during output transitions, Functionally interchangeable with the NE556, has same pin-out, Green product and no Sb/Br
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