TPS78001DDCTThe TPS78001DDCT is a low-dropout (LDO) Regulator offers the benefits of ultralow power and selectable dual-level output voltage levels with the VSET pin. The ultralow-power and dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) capability which provides dual-level output voltages let designers customize power consumption for specific applications. Designers can now shift to a lower voltage level in a battery-powered design when the microprocessor is in sleep mode, further reducing overall system power consumption. The two voltage levels are preset at the factory and are stored using EPROM and are available on fixed output voltage devices. The LDO is designed to be compatible with the TI MSP430 and other similar products. The device also comes with thermal shutdown and current limit to protect the device during fault conditions. For more applications requiring a dual-level voltage option and only on par IQ, consider the device with an IQ of 1µA and dynamic voltage scaling., VSET pin toggles output voltage between two factory-programmed voltage levels, Thermal shutdown and overcurrent protection, CMOS logic level-compatible enable pin, 3% Accuracy over load, line and temperature, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / Стабилизаторы линейные (LDO) Корпус: 5-SOT, инфо: Регулируемый стабилизатор напряжения, LDO, положительной полярности, 0.15 А
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