LP2952IMThe LP2952IM is an adjustable micro-power Voltage Regulator with very low quiescent current and very low-dropout voltage. It is ideally suited for battery-powered systems. Furthermore, the quiescent current increases only slightly at dropout, which prolongs battery life. The LP2952 retains all the desirable characteristics of the LP2951, but offer increased output current, additional features and an improved shutdown function. The automatic output discharge pulls the output down quickly when the shutdown is activated. The error flag goes low if the output voltage drops out of regulation. The internal voltage reference is made available for external use, providing a low temperature coefficient reference with very good line and load regulation. It features internal protection circuitry, such as thermal fold-back current limit, thermal shutdown protection and reverse battery-input protection., Reverse battery-input protection is provided, Extremely tight line and load regulation, 50mA Automatic output dischargeМикросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / Стабилизаторы линейные (LDO) Корпус: 16-SOIC, инфо: Регулируемый стабилизатор напряжения, LDO, положительной полярности, 1.23-29 В, 0.25 А
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