DAC8512FSZ, Полный 12-битный ЦАП с последовательным …The DAC8512FSZ is a complete serial input 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) designed to operate from a single 5V supply. It contains the DAC, input shift register and latches, reference and a rail-to-rail output amplifier. Built using a CBCMOS process, this monolithic DAC offers the user ease of use in 5V only systems. Coding for the DAC8512 is natural binary with the MSB loaded first. The output op amp can swing to either rail and is set to a range of 0 to 4.095V — for a 1-mV-per-bit resolution. It is capable of sinking and sourcing 5mA. An on-chip reference is laser trimmed to provide an accurate full-scale output voltage of 4.095V. Serial interface is high speed, 3-wire, DSP compatible with data in (SDI), clock (CLK) and load strobe (LD). A CLR input sets the output to zero scale at power on or upon user demand., Complete, voltage output with internal reference, No external components, 3-Wire serial data interface, 20MHz data loading rate
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