DAC7611UB SO8The DAC7611UB is a 12-bit Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) with guaranteed monotonicity performance over the industrial temperature range. It requires a single 5V supply and contains an input shift register, latch, 2.435V reference, DAC and high speed rail-to-rail output amplifier. For a full-scale step, the output will settle to 1LSB within 7µs. The synchronous serial interface is compatible with a wide variety of DSPs and microcontrollers. Clock (CLK), serial data in (SDI) and load strobe (LD) comprise the serial interface. In addition, two control pins provide a chip select (CS) function and an asynchronous clear (CLR) input. The CLR input can be used to ensure that the DAC7611 output is 0V on power-up or as required by the application., Fast setting — 7µs to 1LSB, 1mV LSB with 4.095V full-scale range, Complete with reference, Asynchronous reset to 0V, Green product and no Sb/Br
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