SN751178N, МикросхемаThe SN751178N is a dual Differential Driver and Receiver designed for balanced multipoint bus transmission at rates up to 10Mbps. It is designed to improve the performance of full-duplex data communications over long bus lines and meet ANSI standards TIA/EIA-422-B and TIA/EIA-485-A and ITU recommendations V.10 and V.11. The driver outputs provide limiting for both positive and negative currents and thermal-shutdown protection from line-fault conditions on the transmission bus line. The receiver features high input impedance of at least 12kR, an input sensitivity of ±200mV over a common-mode input voltage range of -12 to 12V and typical input hysteresis of 50mV. Failsafe design ensures that if the receiver inputs are open, the receiver outputs always will be high., Driver positive-and negative-current limiting, Thermal shutdown protection, Driver 3-state outputs, 10Mbps Maximum signalling rate, 2kV HBM ESD, 32 Number of nodes
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