MAX1501ZETE+, МикросхемаThe MAX1501ZETE+ is a highly integrated, linear battery charger with thermal regulation for portable applications in 16 pin TQFN package. The MAX1501 intelligent, constant-current, constant voltage (CCCV), temperature regulated battery charger charges a single lithium-ion (Li+) cell or three-cell NiMH/NiCd batteries. The device integrates the current sense resistor, PMOS pass element and thermal regulation circuitry, while eliminating the reverse blocking Schottky diode. For single-cell Li+ batteries, the MAX1501 functions as a stand-alone charger to control the charging sequence from the prequalification state through fast charge, top off and charge termination. With 3-cell NiMH/NiCd batteries, the MAX1501 requires collaboration with a microcontroller to determine the best charging algorithm. Thermal-regulation circuitry limits the die temperature when fast charging or while exposed to high ambient temperatures, allowing maximum charging current without damaging the charger., Supply voltage range is 4.5V to 13V, Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C, No FET, reverse-blocking diode, or current sense resistor required, Programmable fast-charge current is 1.4A (max), Input overvoltage (OVLO) protection above 6.5V, Programmable top-off current threshold is 10%, 20%, or 30% of fast-charge current, Charge-current monitor for fuel gauging, Programmable safety timer (3, 4.5, or 6 hours), Input power detection output and charge enable input, Automatic recharge
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