AD8330ARQZ, МикросхемаThe AD8330ARQZ is a Wideband Variable Gain Amplifier for applications requiring a fully differential signal path, low noise, well-defined gain and moderately low distortion from DC to 150MHz. The input pins can also be driven from a single-ended source. The output pins can drive single-sided loads essentially rail-to-rail. The differential output resistance is 150R. The basic gain function is linear-in-dB, controlled by the voltage applied to Pin VDBS. The gain ranges from 0 to 50dB for control voltages between 0 and 1.5V, a slope of 30mV/dB. By changing the logic level on Pin MODE, the gain decreases over the same range, with an opposite slope. A second gain control port is provided at the VMAG pin and allows the user to vary the numeric gain from a factor of 0.03 to 10. Using VMAG, the basic 0 to 50dB range can be repositioned to any value from 20dB higher to at least 30dB lower to suit the application, thereby providing an unprecedented gain range of over 100dB., Fully differential signal path, also used with single-sided signals, Automatic offset compensation (optional), Linear-in-dB and linear-in-magnitude gain modes, 50dB to 0dB at -30mV/dB Inverted gain mode, Constant bandwidth, 5nV/?Hz Typical noise at maximum gain ,
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