AT28C64B-15SU, МикросхемаThe AT28C64B-15SU is a high-performance electrically-erasable and programmable Read-only Memory (EEPROM) IC. Its 64k of memory is organized as 8.192 words by 8-bit. Manufactured with Atmel’s advanced non-volatile CMOS technology, the device offers access times to 150ns with power dissipation of just 220mW. When the device is deselected, the CMOS standby current is less than 100µA. The AT28C64B is accessed like a Static RAM for the read or write cycle without the need for external components. The device contains a 64B page register to allow writing of up to 64B simultaneously. During a write cycle, the addresses and 1 to 64 bytes of data are internally latched, freeing the address and data bus for other operations. Following the initiation of a write cycle, the device will automatically write the latched data using an internal control timer. The end of a write cycle can be detected by DATA POLLING of I/O7., 150ns Fast read access time, Automatic page write operation — Internal address and data latches for 64 bytes, Fast write cycle times — 1 to 64-byte page write operation, Low power dissipation, Hardware and software data protection, Data polling and toggle bit for end of write detection, High reliability CMOS technology, Single 5V ±10% supply, CMOS and TTL compatible inputs and outputs, JEDEC approved byte-wide pinout, Industrial temperature range
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