AT27C512R-70PU, Энергонезависимая память [DIP-28]The AT27C512R-70PU is a low-power, high-performance, 524.288-bit, 1-time Programmable Read-Only Memory (OTP EPROM) organized as 64K by 8 bits. It requires only one 5V power supply in normal read mode operation. Any byte can be accessed in less than 45ns, eliminating the need for speed reducing WAIT states on high-performance microprocessor systems. It scaled CMOS technology provides high speed, lower active power consumption and significantly faster programming. Power consumption is typically only 8mA in active mode and less than 10µA in standby mode. It is available in a choice of industry-standard, one-time programmable PDIP and PLCC packages. With 64K byte storage capability, it allows firmware to be stored reliably and to be accessed by the system without the delays of mass storage media. The rapid programming algorithm reduces the time required to program the part and guarantees reliable programming., 45ns Fast read access time, Low-power CMOS operation, 5V ±10% Supply, High-reliability CMOS technology, 2000V ESD protection, 200mA Latchup immunity, 100µs/byte (typical) Rapid programming algorithm, CMOS- and TTL-compatible inputs and outputs, Integrated product identification code
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