AT25256B-SSHL-T (5EB L), Последовательная энергонезависимая …The AT25256B-SSHL-T is a 256kB standard SPI Serial EPPROM provides 131.072/262.144 bits of serial electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) organized as 16.384/32.768 words of 8 bits each. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential. The AT25256B is enabled through the chip select pin (CS) and accessed via a 3-wire interface consisting of serial data input (SI), serial data output (SO) and serial clock (SCK). All programming cycles are completely self-timed and no separate erase cycle is required before write. Block write protection is program enabled and separate program enable and disable instructions are provided for additional data protection. Hardware data protection provided to protect against inadvertent write attempts to the status register. Any serial communication suspension can be accomplished without resetting the serial sequence., Green NiPdAu (lead-free/halogen-free) lead finish, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) compatible, Supports SPI modes 0 (0.0) and 3 (1.1), Low-voltage and standard-voltage operation, Block write protection — Protect 1/4, 1/2 or entire array, Write protect (WP) pin & write disable instructions for both hardware and software data protection, Self-timed write cycle (5ms maximum), 64-byte Page mode and byte write operation, 6.25V Maximum operating voltage, 5mA DC output current
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