TLC2264CN, Операционный усилитель, четверной, 710 кГц …The TLC2264CN is a quadruple Operational Amplifier exhibits rail-to-rail output performance for increased dynamic range in single- or split-supply applications. The TLC226x family offers a compromise between the MicroPower TLC225x and the AC performance of the TLC227x. It has low supply current for battery-powered applications, while still having adequate AC performance for applications that demand it. The noise performance has been dramatically improved over previous generations of CMOS amplifier. The TLC226x, exhibiting high input impedance and low noise, is excellent for small-signal conditioning for high-impedance sources, such as piezoelectric transducers. Because of the MicroPower dissipation levels, this device works well in hand-held monitoring and remote-sensing applications. In addition, the rail-to-rail output feature with single or split supplies makes this family a great choice when interfacing with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)., Output swing includes both supply rails, Fully specified for both single-supply and split-supply operation, Common-mode input voltage range includes negative rail, Macromodel included, 12nV/?Hz at f=1kHz Typical low noise, 1pA Typical low input bias current, 500µA Maximum low power
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