OP295GSZ, 2-х канальный ОУ с размахом выходного сигнала …The OP295GSZ is a Dual CBCMOS Operational Amplifier features rail-to-rail output swing with DC accuracy. By using a bipolar front end, lower noise and higher accuracy than those of CMOS designs have been achieved. Both input and output ranges include the negative supply, providing the user with zero-in/zero-out capability. Maximum offset voltage is specified at 300µV for 5V operation and the open-loop gain is a minimum of 1000V/mV. This yields performance that can be used to implement high accuracy systems, even in single-supply designs. The ability to swing rail-to-rail and supply 15mA to the load makes it ideal drivers for power transistors and H bridges. This allows designs to achieve higher efficiencies and to transfer more power to the load than previously possible without the use of discrete components. Stability while driving capacitive loads is another benefit of this design over CMOS rail-to-rail amplifiers. This is useful for driving coax cable or large FET transistors., Rail-to-rail output swing, Single-supply operation (3 to 36V), Low offset voltage (300µV), 75kHz Gain bandwidth product, High open-loop gain (1000V/mV), Unity gain stable, Low supply current/per amplifier (150µA maximum)
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