OP07CSZ, Прецизионный операционный усилитель [SO-8]The OP07CSZ is an Ultralow Offset Voltage Operational Amplifier features low input bias current and high open-loop gain. It has very low input offset voltage that is obtained by trimming at the wafer stage. These low offset voltages generally eliminate any need for external nulling. The low offset and high open-loop gain make the OP07 particularly useful for high gain instrumentation applications. The wide input voltage range of ±13V minimum combined with a high CMRR and high input impedance provide high accuracy in the non-inverting circuit configuration. Excellent linearity and gain accuracy can be maintained even at high closed-loop gains. Stability of offsets and gain with time or variations in temperature is excellent. The accuracy and stability of the OP07, even at high gain, combined with the freedom from external nulling have made it an industry standard for instrumentation applications., Low VOS (75µV maximum), Low VOS drift (1.3µV/°C maximum), Ultra stable vs. time (1.5µV per month maximum), Low noise (0.6µVp-p maximum), Wide input voltage range (±14V typical)
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