NE5534P, Высокоэффективный, малошумящий операционный …The NE5534P is a high-performance low-noise high-speed audio Operational Amplifier, combines excellent DC and AC characteristics. Some of the features include very low noise, high output-drive capability, high unity-gain and maximum-output-swing bandwidths, low distortion and high slew rate. This operational amplifier is compensated internally for a gain equal to or greater than three. Optimization of the frequency response for various applications can be obtained by use of an external compensation capacitor between COMP and COMP/BAL. The device features input-protection diodes, output short-circuit protection and offset-voltage nulling capability with use of the BALANCE and COMP/BAL pins. For the NE5534A and SA5534A devices, a maximum limit is specified for the equivalent input noise voltage., 3.5nV/?Hz Typical equivalent input noise voltage, 10MHz Typical unity-gain bandwidth, 100dB Typical common-mode rejection ratio, 100V/mV Typical high DC voltage gain, Peak-to-peak output voltage swing 32V typical, With VCC± = ±18V and RL = 600R, 13V/µs Typical high slew rate, ±3 to ±20V Wide supply-voltage range, Low harmonic distortion, Offset nulling capability, External compensation capability
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