LM301AN/NOPB, Универсальный операционный усилитель, [DIP-8]The LM301AN/NOPB is a general purpose Operational Amplifier which features improved performance over industry standards like the LM709. Advanced processing techniques make possible an order of magnitude reduction in input currents and a redesign of the biasing circuitry reduces the temperature drift of input current. This amplifier offers many features which make its application nearly foolproof, overload protection on the input and output, no latch-up when the common mode range is exceeded and freedom from oscillations and compensation with a single 30pF capacitor. It has advantages over internally compensated amplifiers in that the frequency compensation can be tailored to the particular application. For example, in low frequency circuits it can be overcompensated for increased stability margin or the compensation can be optimized to give more than a factor of ten improvement in high frequency performance for most applications., Continuous output short-circuit duration, ±18V Supply voltage, ±30V Differential input voltage, ±15V Input voltage, 2000V ESD tolerance, 10V Input offset voltage, 70nA Input offset current
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