TSB12LV32PZThe TSB12LV32PZ is a high-performance general-purpose Link-layer Controller (LLC) with the capability of transferring data between the 1394 Phy-link interface, an external host controller and an external device connected to the data-mover port (local bus interface). The 1394 Phy-link interface provides the connection to a 1394 physical layer device and is supported by the LLC. The LLC provides the control for transmitting and receiving 1394 packet data between the microcontroller interface and the Phy-link interface via internal 2Kbyte FIFOs at rates up to 400Mbps. The TSB12LV32 transmits and receives correctly formatted 1394 packets, generates and detects the 1394 cycle start packets, communicates transaction layer transmit requests to the Phy and generates and inspects the 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC)., Compatible with Texas Instruments physical layer controllers (Phys), Supports the Texas Instruments bus holder galvanic isolation barrier, Glueless interface to 68000 and ColdFire microcontrollers/microprocessors, Supports ColdFire burst transfers, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / Интерфейсы / Микроконтроллерные интерфейсы Корпус: 100-LQFP (14?14), инфо: GP LINK LAYER CNTRLR 100LQFP
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