LM2931Z-5.0, Регулятор с фиксируемым напряжением 5В …The LM2931Z-5.0/NOPB is a 5V fixed output low-dropout (LDO) Linear Regulator features a very low quiescent current of 1mA or less when supplying 10mA loads. This unique characteristic and the extremely low input-output differential required for proper regulation make the device the ideal regulator for standby power systems. Applications include memory standby circuits, CMOS and other low power processor power supplies as well as systems demanding as much as 100mA of output current. The device and all regulated circuitry are protected from reverse battery installations or 2 battery jumps. During line transients, such as a load dump when the input voltage to the regulator can momentarily exceed the specified maximum operating voltage, the regulator will automatically shut down to protect both internal circuits and the load. The device cannot be harmed by temporary mirror-image insertion. Familiar regulator features such as short circuit and thermal overload protection are also provided., Input-output differential less than 0.6V, 60V Load dump protection, -50V Reverse transient protection, Green product and no Sb/Br
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