TSB41AB2PAP, IEEE 1394a трансивер двухпортовый кабельный …The TSB41AB2PAP is a 2-port Cable Transceiver/Arbiter that provides the digital and analogue transceiver functions needed to implement a two-port node in a cable-based IEEE 1394 network. The transceivers include circuitry to monitor the line conditions as needed for determining connection status, for initialization and arbitration and for packet reception and transmission. The TSB41AB2 is designed to interface with a link layer controller (LLC), such as the TSB12LV21, TSB12LV22, TSB12LV23, TSB12LV26, TSB12LV31, TSB12LV41, TSB12LV42 or TSB12LV01A. The TSB41AB2 requires only an external 24.576MHz crystal as a reference. An external clock may be provided instead of a crystal. An internal oscillator drives an internal phase-locked loop (PLL), which generates the required 393.216MHz reference signal. This reference signal is internally divided to provide the clock signals used to control transmission of the outbound encoded strobe and data information., Fully compliant with open HCI requirements, Extended resume signalling for compatibility, Power-down features to conserve energy in battery powered applications, Automatic device power down during suspend, Device power-down terminal, Software device reset (SWR), Industry leading low power consumption, Ultralow-power sleep mode, Cable power presence monitoring, Cable ports monitor line conditions for active connection to remote node, Interoperable with link layer controllers using 3.3V, Single-supply operation, Green product and no Sb/Br
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