ADM483EARZ, Приемопередатчик RS-485 с ограничением скорости …The ADM483EARZ is a low power Data Transceiver with ±15kV ESD protection suitable for half-duplex communication on multipoint bus transmission lines. The ADM483E is designed for balanced data transmission and complies with TIA/EIA standards RS-485 and RS-422, which allow up to 32 transceivers on a bus. The ADM483E has a low current shutdown mode in which it consumes only 0.1µA. Because only one driver is enabled at any time, the output of a disabled or power-down driver is three-stated to avoid overloading the bus. Drivers are short-circuit current-limited and are protected against excessive power dissipation by thermal shutdown circuitry that places their outputs into a high impedance state. The receiver input has a fail-safe feature that guarantees logic high output if the input is open circuit., Reduced slew rate for low EM interference, Up to 32 nodes on the bus, Receiver open-circuit failsafe design, Short-circuit protection, 36µA Supply current, 0.1µA Shutdown current, 250kbps Data rate
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