TLC5620CDThe TLC5620CD is a quadruple 8-bit voltage output Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) with buffered reference inputs (high impedance). The DAC produces an output voltage that ranges between either one or two times the reference voltages and GND and the DAC is monotonic. The device is simple to use, running from a single supply of 5V. A power-on reset function is incorporated to ensure repeatable start-up conditions. Digital control of the TLC5620C is a simple 3-wire serial bus that is CMOS compatible and easily interfaced to all popular microprocessor and microcontroller devices. The 11-bit command word comprises 8-bit of data, two DAC-select bits and a range bit, the latter allowing selection between the times 1 or times 2 output range. The DAC registers are double buffered, allowing a complete set of new values to be written to the device and then all DAC outputs are updated simultaneously through control of LDAC. The digital inputs feature Schmitt triggers for high noise immunity., Serial interface, High-impedance reference inputs, Simultaneous update facility, Internal power-on reset, Low-power consumption, Half-buffered output, Green product and no Sb/BrМикросхемы / ЦАПы, АЦП, Кодеки, Преобразователи / Цифро-Аналоговые Преобразователи (ЦАП) Корпус: 14-SOIC, инфо: QUAD 8-BIT D/A CONV 14-SOIC
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