AD7243ANZThe AD7243ANZ is a complete 12-bit voltage output Digital-to-analog Converter with output amplifier and Zener voltage reference on a monolithic CMOS chip. No external trims are required to achieve full specified performance. The output amplifier is capable of developing 10V across a 2kR load. The output voltage ranges with single supply operation are 0 to 5V or 0 to 10V, while an additional bipolar ±5V output range is available with dual supplies. The ranges are selected using the internal gain resistor. The data format is natural binary in both unipolar ranges, while either offset binary or twos complement format may be selected in the bipolar range. A CLR function is provided which sets the output to 0V in both unipolar ranges and in the twos complement bipolar range, while with offset binary data format, the output is set to -REFIN. This function is useful as a power-on reset as it allows the output to be set to a known voltage level., Serial interface, Nonlinearity — 1/2LSB TMIN to TMAX, Low power dissipation — 100mW typicalМикросхемы / ЦАПы, АЦП, Кодеки, Преобразователи / Цифро-Аналоговые Преобразователи (ЦАП) Корпус: 16-PDIP, инфо: ЦАП 12-бит LC2MOS DACPORT
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